
Tampa Orchid Club
General meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of the month. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. and the meeting starts at 10:00 a.m. Our meetings are currently being held at the Northdale Community Center, 15510 Hooting Owls Dr., Tampa, Fl 33624.
A potluck luncheon is served to all attending. At general meetings, in addition to a featured guest speaker or activity, orchid supplies can be purchased, we have a Bloom Table and vote on Member and Judges’ choice for the best member grown bloomers, we have silent auction items available for bidding and our plant exchange where you can exchange tickets purchased for plants available if your ticket number is called (raffle format).
Programs | Field Trips | Parties
We have eight general meetings during the year, 2 field trip months and 2 party months in lieu of a general meeting.
We have 2 special events: The Annual Orchid Auction is held in March or April at USF Botanical Gardens. We also try to have an Orchid Expo (show and vendor sales) in September or October.
May is our Spring party and installation of any new officers. A luncheon is provided by membership and all members attending who have renewed their membership for the upcoming year, receive a gift orchid.
July and November is field trip month. We visit growers, browse their greenhouses and purchase orchids for our collections.
December is the annual Christmas party.
The featured Programs and Events are announced on this website and on our Facebook Page: Tampa Orchid Club (in Groups section of Facebook)