Tampa Orchid Club members and friends, our August meeting is going to be filled with some competitive fun. We will be playing a fierce game of orchid bingo and chances to win a variety of plants. Most of the prized plants have been generously donated by Sharon Hartley from her personal collection. Thank you Sharon!
Plants To Win At Orchid Bingo
You'll have a chance to win the following orchid plants, all will be of blooming size:
Rlc. Hawaiian Charisma ‘Hawaii’
Den. Thongchai-Lai
Slc. Jewel Box ’Scheherazade’
Rth. Love Triangle
Bulb. Doris Dukes ‘Wisconsin Wings’

Mark your calendars and come join us on Tuesday, August 27th. Doors will open at 9:30 AM. The meeting will include orchid bingo, plus a member plant sale, along with our regular monthly bloom table, raffle, silent auction, Darwin's orchid depot, and potluck lunch.Â
For details about meetings, news, and other information visit the homepage for the Tampa Orchid Club here.